Monday, July 12, 2010

Cape Town Random Adventures

Some more shots of what went down in Cape Town.

They light up Table Mountain at night, which is both odd and really awesome.

Malusi's nephew, Lutando. A true champion.
Lutando and Uncle AJ.
Me and the boys had a fancy fish dinner at a restaurant in Camps Bay, a classy beachfront neighborhood in Cape Town. We had king clip, salmon, swordfish, calamari, and one other type of fish that I don't remember. It was an epic meal.
The view from a spot we stayed in Camps Bay. I woke up to this. Silly.
View from the back. Whoa.
Cool signs at a food spot.
This is bunny chow, a Cape Town specialty. It's basically a big chunk of bread filled with meat and gravy. I had mutton and it filled me for the rest of the day.
Nice Nelson shirt. Will try to come up on one of these.
Look at this idiot (not Omar). Won't try to come up on one of these shirts.
The sun sets into the Atlantic.

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