Thursday, May 27, 2010

Some Pictures from My Hood and Around

Here are a bunch of random pictures from the neighborhood I'm living in, which is called Melville. There's also some shots from downtown.
Cool pagoda at a neighbor's house.
Epic house that now is an apartment complex.

View down my street, Avalanche Street. Very comforting to live on a street named after a natural disaster.
Nice neighbors' houses. Lots of mid- to upper-scale houses in this neighborhood.

Another view down my street.
This is the house I'm staying in. Pretty nice.
Looking North from a patio in Newtown, downtown Johannesburg.
A park and some of the big buildings downtown.
Garden of the neighbor's house in Bramley. Big yards there. Rich people.
One of the few houses that isn't completely shrouded by security walls.

Some typical flats.
Modern-style use of tin walls and roofing. Kinda cool.
Some cacti and plantlife on the sidewalk in Melville.
View of town from Melville.
Tree-lined streets in Melville.
Big ass annoying loud birds that fly over my house every morning.
Another view of town from Melville.
Cool traditional roof.
7th Street, the main commercial drag in Melville. I abuse the Internet access at the coffee shop to the right.

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