Wednesday, May 19, 2010


It's a major issue in Johannesburg, which is one of the hotbeds of crime in crime-ridden South Africa. Of course, much of the country's reputation is blown out of proportion, and there is obviously not a crime occurring on every corner, but people still want to protect what they have from the huge populations here that are desperately poor and underemployed. Officially, about 25% of the population is unemployed, but it's more commonly believed that the real figure is closer to 50%, including many of the immigrants who've come to the country from other parts of Africa hoping to find jobs in the continent's most economically successful nation.

Here's a few images of how the people of Johannesburg try to keep their homes secure.

Many streets in the Melville area have these little guard houses. A guard is typically roaming around the street all day and night.

Shock 'em!

Security guards on duty.

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